Connected sensors with AI powered
cloud platforms, to track and compare
real-time in-cabin air quality data
with outdoors
Connected sensors with AI
powered cloud platforms,
to track and compare
real-time in-cabin air
quality data with outdoors
We make the invisible visible
Air pollution kills millions every year, like a ‘pandemic in slow motion’. You can’t see or smell the most harmful particles, so how do you know if you're exposed or not?
Contrary to popular belief, being inside a vehicle doesn’t protect you from the emissions outside. In fact, it can lead to the rapid accumulation of air pollutants within the vehicle.
Our sensor technology is optimized for vehicles and makes the invisible visible. Together with AI and cloud functions you can track and compare detailed real-time in-cabin air quality data, with outdoor air quality index.
Are you an OEM or a fleet owner looking for customized sensor or cloud solutions? Contact us.

Your guide to healthy in-cabin air
The Nordzone™ Air quality monitor visualizes the levels of particles and gases inside the cabin. It also alerts you in case of temporarily increased levels of PM, VOC and CO₂ which could temporarily occur in extreme traffic situations like heavy traffic jam, tunnel driving behind trucks or overuse of recirculation mode.
The design is discrete, and the at-a-glance interface is easy to understand, meaning you can focus on the driving.

Nordzone™ app – all the details you need
Tips and tricks how to quicker get back to healthy in-cabin air in case of temporarily increased pollutant levels inside the vehicle.
Planning to stop for a break or picnic? The app gives you air quality index data for your location, or any location you want to select. Make sure to plan your stops to avoid unnecessary exposure to air pollution.
Of course, you can also connect all your Nordzone™ products and get filter replacement reminders.