Premium European OEM to add Nordzone™ System to aftermarket portfolio
Gepostet von Cabin Air am
Stockholm 12 December 2021 - A premium European OEM has signed an agreement to add CabinAir’s Nordzone™ System to its aftermarket sales portfolio. It is the first OEM to do so.
“The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated consumer demands for healthy in-cabin air — drivers and passengers expect a clean and safe cabin, whether you are talking about new cars or cars already on the roads” says CabinAir CEO Daniel Hagström. “OEMs are listening to that and seeing healthy in-cabin air as a competitive advantage. We are in talks with a number of other manufacturers about using our technology.”
The OEM will launch the Nordzone System globally under its own branding and make it available to the owners of its cars through its own aftermarket channels (OES).
Better air quality for billions of people
CabinAir, which also offers a factory-installed solution optimized to work in a car’s climate system, says that its Nordzone System can immediately bring healthier air to the drivers and passengers of the billions of cars already on the road.
“While built-in-from-factory (OEM) solutions allow for optimized performance by integrating the technology into the whole design of a car’s HVAC system, you can’t very well expect every health-conscious person to buy a new car,” Hagström notes. “The Nordzone System upgrades driver and passenger air quality to state of the art.”
How Nordzone System captures more particles
CabinAir’s two-stage air purification solution for vehicles combines the effect of particle charging technology with an optimized mechanical filter. The particle charging device gives airborne particles an electrical charge as they enter the system, making them “stickier,” so they get trapped in the filter much more effectively.
With this combination, CabinAir's technology removes up to 10 times more ultra-fine particles than standard filters. These tiny particles are among the most dangerous to human health since they can go deep into the lungs and directly into the blood stream.
“By adding particle charging to the cleaning process, we boost the particle filtration performance, especially for the most harmful and ultra-fine particles – without adding additional pressure-drop,” Hagström says. “The Nordzone System keeps the in-cabin air quality within WHO recommended levels throughout the ride, with the benefits of simple, cost-efficient solution. There’s no need to redesign the HVAC system, because Nordzone System fits right into the existing filter compartment. Maintenance is just like an ordinary filter change.”
Is Nordzone technology an idea whose time has come? CabinAir CEO Daniel Hagström certainly thinks so. “Drivers and passengers have a right to expect a clean, safe cabin that includes healthy air to breathe,” he says. “And we believe that whether you are a professional driver, an urban commuter or driving your children to school, you should be able to breathe clean and fresh air throughout the ride.”